
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Hockey Qld again has a whole of year hockey fee structure, below are the pricing for 2024 calander year:-

  • Junior player (ages 9-18) - $ 90.81
  • Student player (19-24) - $ 120.81
  • Senior player (19+) - $ 151.81

All indoor hockey participants are required to register with their indoor playing centre. If you are already a current paid and registered member with a field hockey club, no addition registration fee will be payable to HQ / HA.

For those who didn't play or register for field hockey, the following HQ / HA fee will apply:

  • Junior player (Term 4) - $ 50.01 (HQ & HA fee)
  • Senior player (Term 4) - $ 75.11 (HQ & HA fee)

Brisbane Indoor (BIHL) doesn't impose a individual player registration fee, just a Team Cost.


Any queries regarding HA / HQ fee or inability to register - please contact Michelle Campbell-Burns @ Hockey Qld - Ph. 3399 6577 Ext.1 (Membership & Admin Coordinator).


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